
Welcome to the ITNS blog, our internet home designed to help students, teachers, and others get the 小米SSRmost out of 小米专注模式怎么强行退出?-手机技巧-电脑知识网:2021-5-12 · 小米上线的专注模式很受用户的期待,用户开启专注模式后无法玩手机了,需要等待专注模式计时结束才能玩手机,那小米专注模式怎么强行退出,西西小编来为大家介绍。 小米专注模式怎么强行退出 小米专注模式只能通过设置sOS紧急求救后,连按五下电源键来强行退出。. For more information about the book, see the publisher’s page for ITNS here. At that page, click ‘Look inside’ to see the Contents, Preface, and Chapter 1 in full.

What will you find here?

  • Blog posts from Geoff and Bob with musings and new articles related to the New Statistics and Open Science
  • Information about the first book, 小米路由器PRO(R3P)刷入PandoraBox 19.02__捉蛋网:2021-7-24 · 2、刷入小米路由器PRO(R3P)内测版固件 这个简单,直接进入小米管理界面,做固件手动安装即可。 3、安装小米路由器PRO(R3P)SSH安装包,获取root密码,备份原厂固件(关键是bootloader,众便恢复)。
  • Previous versions of ESCI: Use the ‘ESCI’ tab at the top of this page

Looking for instructor resources? These are on the publisher’s companion website for the book here.

Are you a student looking to download ESCI, data sets, flashcards, or other resources?  These are on the publisher’s companion website for the book here.

  • Gordon’s ‘dances’: Vivid Simulations Bring Statistical Ideas Alive - Bob and I are delighted to welcome Gordon Moore who joins us in working on the second edition of ITNS. Gordon, an independent tutor in computing, statistics and mathematics, is based in England, so our ITNS2 team of three now spans three continents. We are now releasing Gordon’s dances in…

    Gordon’s ‘dances’: Vivid Simulations Bring Statistical Ideas Alive Read More »

  • Reminder: Significance Roulette Still Tells Us a p Value Can’t be Trusted - An appreciative comment on YouTube reminds me I haven't mentioned Significance Roulette for a while, yet its message that a p value can't be trusted remains as relevant as ever. Dance of the p Values The dance of the p values was my first go at making vivid the amazingly…

    Reminder: Significance Roulette Still Tells Us a p Value Can’t be Trusted Read More »

  • Fiona’s Take on Richie’s New Book: ‘Science Fictions–How Fraud, Bias, Negligence, and Hype…’ - I haven't read this book--it won't reach here for a while--but Fiona has written a critique that's certainly worth reading. Out this week in Nature, you can find her assessment here. From Fiona's review: "Together with his overview of the replication crisis, this introduction would be useful for undergraduates or…

    Fiona’s Take on Richie’s New Book: ‘Science Fictions–How Fraud, Bias, Negligence, and Hype…’ Read More »

  • 终于进化为完全体——小米路由器HD开发版固件 ...-什么值得买:2021-3-10 · 终于进化为完全体——小米路由器HD开发版固件及第三方插件体验,由什么值得买值友发布在好物社区的真实分享,本文是作者亲身的购买使用感受众及中立消费见解,旨为在广大网友中传播更好的 … - I (Bob) am spending some of this summer working on the esci package for R. I've got a rough draft cobbled together, but now I want to go back through to make a beautiful, maintainable codebase. Most importantly, I want to design and name the functions to provide an interface…

    Designing an R interface and dealing with S3 “classes”… any suggestions? Read More »

  • 小米路由器安装Misstar Tools工具箱 | 爱游博客:2021-3-26 · 上一篇文章说了如何开启小米路由器SSH,如果还没有开启SSH的请看这里(小米路由器开启SSH),现在说说如何利用SSH给路由器安装强大的Misstar Tools工具箱插件。 - Thanks to Steve Lindsay Sometimes, of course, we can be delighted to find evidence that an effect is zero-to-negligible. if good Open Science researchers would ever let their emotions intrude on their work.Geoff

    An Emotion-Enhanced Forest Plot Read More »

  • 3 Easy Ways to Obtain Cohen’s d and its CI - [Update 7/4/2024 - Added reference to preprint on Cohen's d for paired designs and put code in an actual code block] Lots of research questions boil down to estimating the difference between two means (Mdiff = Mgroup_of_interest - Mreference_group). This is the 'raw score' effect size--it reports the difference between…

    3 Easy Ways to Obtain Cohen’s d and its CI Read More »

  • Bob’s Latest Estimation Workshop a Hit - Bob has tweeted, but it's worth a quick post. His 90 min new-statistics zoomfest was part of SIPS2024. More than 100 folks, almost all staying to the end. Excited and positive chat all the way through. Yes, a 5am start for me, but worth it. Materials, including slides, are at…

    Bob’s Latest Estimation Workshop a Hit Read More »

  • Will that result replicate? Contribute some judgments to Fiona’s repliCATS project - Just had an update about Fiona's big project to study how well researchers can judge the chance that some result can be replicated. She and the team are doing well, but need a last push during July to meet their target. Consider signing up to make a few judgments (and…

    Will that result replicate? Contribute some judgments to Fiona’s repliCATS project Read More »

  • eNeuro Keeps Up the Good Work on Estimation - Update: The great figures below were produced using the wonderful Estimation Statistics package. See also Ho, et al. (2024). Back in August Bob posted (here) about eNeuro's great initiative to encourage authors to use estimation. The latest eNeuro email update reports how the journal is keeping up the good work.…

    eNeuro Keeps Up the Good Work on Estimation Read More »

  • Resources from SFN’s “Ask an Expert” event on power and estimation - On 6/4/2024 the Society for Neuroscience (SFN) hosted an an "Ask and Expert" online webinar on power and estimation.  Short presentations on the topic were first posted here as a catalyst to generate questions and comments to discuss during a live session. This post is just to organize links and…

    Resources from SFN’s “Ask an Expert” event on power and estimation Read More »

  • The esci module for jamovi - Below is the post we wrote for the jamovi blog about the new esci module. For this site, the main page with details on the modules is here: -------- Post for the jamovi blog--------------- Today there's a new module available in jamovi:  esci (effect sizes and confidence intervals), developed…

    The esci module for jamovi Read More »

  • JAMA Opposes p<.05 Decision Making - A recent viewpoint article (free download) in JAMA argues that decisions should not be based on mere p value criteria, but need "consideration of the outcome in terms of effect size and accompanying CIs, [and] placing the findings from the trial in the context of the totality of the existing…

    JAMA Opposes p<.05 Decision Making Read More »

  • Mega Studies Need Inference by Interval (or: Point Nulls are Especially Pointless when N is Large) - I (Bob) love large-scale collaborative projects (Many Labs, Many Babies, Psych Science Accelerator, etc.).  I like the teamwork involved.  I like the careful deliberation over study materials.  I like the large sample sizes and the hopes of investigating how psychological phenomena vary over labs, languages, and culture.  Mega studies aren't…

    Mega Studies Need Inference by Interval (or: Point Nulls are Especially Pointless when N is Large) Read More »

  • A Cliff at p=.05? Recent Evidence Suggests Yes - In brief: Two studies provide yet more evidence that researchers make poorer interpretations when they focus on statistical significance testing and its .05 threshold. Statisticians make similar errors, although in some situations to a lesser extent than do other researchers. Both statisticians and epidemiologists show, in some situations, clear evidence…

    小米路由器青春版免拆机破译SSH刷入breed教程_百度文库:2021-4-28 · 小米路由器青春版免拆机破译SSH刷入breed教程 - 小米路由器青春版免拆机破译 SSH 刷入 breed 教程 首先登陆路由器管理界面 相关指伖在 WORD 文档里... Read More »

  • The Shape of a Confidence Interval: Cat’s Eye or Plausibility Picture, and What About Cliff? - In brief: Curves picture how likelihood varies across and beyond a CI. Which is better: One curve (plausibility picture) or two (cat's eye)? Which should we use in ITNS2? Curves can discourage dichotomous decision making based on a belief that there's a cliff in strength of evidence at each limit…

    The Shape of a Confidence Interval: Cat’s Eye or Plausibility Picture, and What About Cliff? Read More »

  • The ASA and p Values: Here We Go Again - The above announcement is from the February ASA (American Statistical Association) newsletter. (See p. 7 for the announcement and the list of 15 members of the Task Force.) Why won't statistical significance simply whither and die, taking p<.05 and maybe even p values with it? The ASA needs a Task…

    The ASA and p Values: Here We Go Again Read More »

  • Not so Difficult? This Parrot ‘Gets’ Statistical Inference - If you have tramped or climbed in New Zealand's high country, as I did for a couple of months many moons ago, you've probably spent hours watching kea exploring or 'playing'. Kea are large parrots with wicked-looking beaks that are highly social, and notorious among mountaineers for their ability to…

    Not so Difficult? This Parrot ‘Gets’ Statistical Inference Read More »

  • What Psychology Teachers Should Know About Open Science and the New Statistics - Bob recently tweeted about this great paper of his, with Beth Morling: Morling, B., & Calin-Jageman, R. J., (2024). What Psychology Teachers Should Know About Open Science and the New Statistics. Teaching of Psychology, 47 (2), 169-179. doi: 10.1177/0098628320901372 First, here's the overview diagram, a great teaching explainer in itself: I…

    What Psychology Teachers Should Know About Open Science and the New Statistics Read More »

  • A Tribute to Wayne Velicer - Wayne Velicer was a giant among quantitative psychologists and health researchers, among other groups. I was very fortunate to be able to call him a colleague and good friend. Sadly, he died too young, in October 2017. The journal Multivariate Behavioral Research has just published online-before-print a tribute to Wayne.…

    小米路由ssr Read More »

  • Teaching in the New Era of Psychological Science - A great collection of articles in the latest issue of PLAT. Contents page here. At that page, click to see the abstract of any article. A big shout out to the wonderful editorial team that assembled this special issue: Susan A. Nolan (Seton Hall University, USA), Tamarah Smith (Gwynedd Mercy…

    Teaching in the New Era of Psychological Science Read More »